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Parvo will break your heart.  

We got a call from the Front Street Shelter, in Sacramento on Sunday morning.  Five German Shepherd Puppies had been brought to their free vaccine clinic, and one died on the scene from parvo.  The other four were relinquished to the shelter.  Keeping them in the shelter, however, would risk causing a wide scale outbreak of the deadly virus.  

When we got there, one of the four appeared to be suffering, with such a poor chance of surviving that our veterinarian sadly recommended he be euthanized.  The other three have been in our foster homes, getting round the clock fluids and medication to support them.  Just as important for such little ones, they are getting round the clock love and encouragement, so that they do not lose heart.

We hope to have good news of their survival in the days to come, but it is a difficult battle to win.  

Please be sure to vaccinate your own puppies at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, and do not take them outside in any public places until they get their last shot at 4 months, or older!



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  • Response
    Response: buy essay cheap
    Animals are very beautiful and friends of man. We got many animals as our pets and love them like a good companion. Puppies are one of those pets with whom we have great affection.so we should take good care for our puppies and give them vaccines on time to save them ...

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