Lilly Rose--April Puppy of the Month

Meet Lilly Rose. Lilly was like all the other puppies in her litter until she was weaned from her mama. She became unable to hold any food down, and lost weight while her siblings were growing like weeds. Her family reached out to us for help.
Our vet discovered that she has an uncommon birth defect effecting esophagus, so that she cannot take in solid food.
She needs to have special radiographs and scoping done to determine if the problem can be corrected by surgery.
She has been on a bottle for the last week, and is regaining her strength in anticipation of her big vet appointment.
Although she is super small, she has a big spirit.
Her current favorite pastimes are chasing her big pit bull foster brother around the kitchen, and chewing any exposed toes in sight.
She has an appointment on Tuesday, April 25 to see our favorite internist/surgeon team. They will do advanced imaging to determine if surgery will be a possibility. We have high hopes for her.

Lilly Rose had surgery today to have the congenital defect that was keeping her esophagus from functioning removed. It was a nail biter for us, for sure, as they surgeon had to go between her ribs right and cut our a ligament that went from her heart around her esophagus. This is quite a delicate procedure on a tiny 5 lb puppy. She had Sacramento's best surgical team looking after her, and we are so happy to report that she came through surgery with no complications or surprises.
She will be resting in the ICU overnight, then coming home to continue her convalescence tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for your support and well wishes!

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