May Puppy of the Month--Jasmine

Technically, Jasmine is perhaps not a puppy, at 13 months of age. But she is like a dog reborn after coming into our care, so I think she qualifies.
We first met Jasmine two months ago, at one of our Neighborhood Dog Days free clinics in South Sacramento. She was one of six dogs brought to us by an obviously overwhelmed novice breeder. She represents a newly popular informal breed, the American Bully. Think part pit bull, part English Bulldog, part baby hippo.
Jasmine had demodex mites, the non-contagious mange that afflicts many of the light colored pit bull types. She also had a crusted wound on her face, from rubbbing against the fence, according to the neighbor. The six puppies (not her own, but her half siblings) all had signs of mange as well.
We vaccianged the lot, gave them all medication for mange, and gave her antibiotics as well.
When we saw her the next week for a recheck, she was greatly improved.
Last week, we heard from her person again. She was not dong well at all. We met him at the local public library, where we do weekly clinics for more serious cases that cannot wait for our monthly clinics.
We were stunned by what we saw.
Her face and head were swollen almost beyond recognition, her eyes were bloodshot and crusted, and she had a wound on her foot. She had a high fever, and obviously felt rotten. Her owner understood that she was beyond his capacity for care, and asked that we take her.

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